
Author name: tlgsconsulting

Integrating Emerging Technologies in Sports

Technology in sports has paved the way for new opportunities, transforming both the fan as well as sportsperson’s experience. While the emerging technologies in sports have ensured more online and offline viewership, they have offered athletes the platform to mentally train and practice and hence limiting the need for prolonged practices and decreasing the risks […]

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Ethereum 2.0

Mining cryptocurrency is an energy intensive task, leaving a large carbon footprint. Ethereum and better-known-rival Bitcoin both operate using a proof-of-work system that requires a global network of computers running around the clock. “Currently, a single Ethereum transaction consumes as much electricity as an average U.S. household uses in a workweek—and has a carbon footprint

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Can Carbon Capture & Storage help us reach the ‘Net-Zero Emissions’ Target?

Carbon Capture & Storage is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere. This is compressed into liquid state and pumped underground at depths to be stored in depleted oil & gas fields, coalbeds or deep saline aquifers, based on the geology. The carbon can also be recycled

Can Carbon Capture & Storage help us reach the ‘Net-Zero Emissions’ Target? Read More »

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